Happy Valentine's Day people!
I know mine was happy. :)
It's time to put my new fishies in their home...
Today I have so much love for things in my life.
1. My family...crazy, but good crazy! oh! and my Sassy dog! (I'm sorry I don't call you by your actual name)
2. My boyfriend aka my baby bear, my kitty, my ting ting, my boo boo (and every other stupid name I have bestowed upon him, sorry!! can you tell I need a pet?)
3. My school, even though I complain like no ones business
now for the fun stuff!
5. my current obsession is FEATHER HAIR EXTENSIONS. don't worry I have already ordered some to put into my locks. I now question if beauty school was more of my calling...
I am sitting in class, not listening about lymphocytes and red blood cells, but rather thinking about the abundance of love i have around me. Every day I get to wake up and hear "I love you" more than 20 times. I wish that sometimes I could make this holiday happen over and over and over but I would probably get some more chub from the candy I drown myself in, totally worth it though. If all else fails though, seriously, I have my mom to send me a card and I would take that any day!
I was already surprised with 12 gorgeous yellow roses. I really don't think I have even gotten a dozen of roses unless you count that one year I decided to do dance and got some for the recital. Oh and maybe for a birthday or two. Ok wait, maybe those were just "flowers" and now I'm getting my flowers and roses confused. Well hot potato, good thing I don't work for 1-800-flowers. Apparently yellow roses mean friendship, joy, and get well. (Now I understand why mom received them in the hospital when after I was born)..I feel like I could google the unique meanings of all the different colors roses come in but the only true meaning they hold are the intentions behind the person giving them to you. That means if they are dying you should probably reevaluate your relationship...haha
I get really frustrated with people who say I hate Valentine's day..it's too commercialized...I'm happy today because I don't have to spend money on flowers and candy...happy singles awareness day..blah blahblahblahshsahahdblaha BULL. First off, it's a day of LOVE, open your heart and you will find love. Just because you find yourself single doesn't mean you can't celebrate. It's about love people!
Tonight I plan on getting all gussied up and going to Muriale's for the 2ND YEAR IN A ROW. (I can already taste the cheesy bread with balsamic vinaigrette dressing and tomatoes yum yum yum yum yum-o!!!) I am so lucky to have a night off from homework and plan to celebrate accordingly.
On this Valentine's Day it is important to remember...
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seaking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.
Speaking of love, I was just reminded of something that happened over the weekend. As my ting ting and I were waiting in the movie theater to see Just Go With It we saw a little girl who was probably 8 or 9 walking with her parents out of a movie while cring hysterically like someone had run over her cat. What we failed to realize at first is that she wasn't just walking out of any movie, she was walking out of the Justin Bieber Movie. While crying she kept rejoicing "it's the best day of my life!" Her father then told us it's the Bieber Fever.
Well dangit, I suffer from Valentine's Fever! So let it be!
Enough of all this lovey talk, I need a cheese bagel.
Can you say so freaking excited?!?!!
In other news, Valenti(m)es Day is almost here!
Also happening in my life is two fish died...one is now floating somewhere in the sewer works of Morgantown, as for the other one? It disappeared. RIP
I can't even begin to explain the love I have for IKEA. From the cheap assembly-required every thing to the stylish mini setups, it all makes me weak at the knees. It's so far away so these trips only come once in a blue moon or for special occasions (in this case taking some one to the airport!). And while you're there why not stop at some other places that aren't found in WV?
Some times I wish I had more of my favorite stores closer -ahem- Anthropologie!!
No trip to Pittsburgh is complete with out a stop at Chipotle! No matter how bad the aftermath may be those burritos are just so freaking good.
Here's the stuff I got at IKEA-some boxes and file organizers for my closet project, a much needed utensil holder for my kitchen (roomies will be happy!) and a fun gift I can't wait to give to my neice!
The last time this closet will be seen this way is right....now!
I've realized that my closet is not necessarily getting any bigger and well, my clothes collection isn't getting any smaller so it's time to work with what I have! This whole overhaul will involve getting rid of things I can live with out (and taking it to the consignment shop to make some much needed moola!) and possibly a trip some where for some inexpensive storage stuff. I guess I'll figure out what that stuff is later.
As if there isn't enough proof of the terror that awaits me let's add some more!
Really I'm embarrassed..
P.S.! The fishies are still alive! They are still going through an anorexic phase as of now but I'm sure it will pass. If not, anybody know any good fish whisperers?
For Christmas I received the most awesome and unique gift given to me to date...living creatures. Those same living creatures however are now dead. RIP pretty glofish. But! 3 deceased white skirt tetra fish later, I am now the proud mama of three new fishies!
Welcome to the family!
Just like I have new fish, I have a new blog!
This starts day one of keeping my fish blog alive.